

2019-08-05 17:52:00来源:央广网
  乂学教育-松鼠AI使用十多种算法及深度学习等技术,拥有MCM能力值训练、错因重构知识地图、超纳米级知识点拆分、非关联性知识点的关联概率、MIBA等多个全球首创AI应用技术。在AIED,AREA,IJCAI,KDD,ICML,等全球顶级AI或教育学术会议上论文获奖或受邀演讲。松鼠AI的核心科学家均是来自美国Knewton、RealizeIt、ALEKS等全球独角兽人工智能教育巨头公司的博士后,机器学习教父、CMU 计算机院长Tom Mitchell教授任首席AI科学家,CMU计算机及心理学系Ken Koedinger教授担任松鼠AI首席学习科学家。乂学教育-松鼠AI成立实验室,与斯坦福研究中心进行联合技术开发,松鼠AI与中科院自动化所成立AI智适应教育联合实验室,今年与卡耐基梅隆大学CMU成立了联合实验室。
  Established in 2014, Squirrel AI Learning Intelligent Adaptive Education by Yixue Group is the first artificial intelligence company in China to apply AI-powered adaptive learning technology to K12 education. The product is cost-effective, with the artificial intelligence (70%) + human teacher (30%) model, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, effectively solve the problems of high cost of traditional education, the lack of resources for teachers, and low learning efficiency. Squirrel AI Learning has the new business model of having online AI course and physical learning centers at the same time. It has accumulated nearly approached 2 million students and more than 1900 learning centers in over 400 cities in China in the last three years. Squirrel AI Learning have a retention rate of 80% as most of the students has significant improvement in their studies. The 2018 annual revenue is 1 billion RMB (150 Million USD) with a compound Annual Growth Rate of 500% from 2015-2018. It is now worth almost 8 Billion RMB (1.1 Billion USD) and is already an AI Education Unicorn. Example of other industries’ AI unicorns in China are Alibaba and Baidu.
  In November 2018, Professor Tom Mitchell, Dean of School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, officially announced joining Squirrel AI Learning, as the chief AI scientist. Squirrel AI Learning also has a CMU-Squirrel AI Learning Research Lab with CMU, Yixue Lab  with Stanford Research Institute (SRI) as primary research partner and Chinese Academy of Sciences.


编辑: 安红丽


